It seems like no matter how many years we’ve spent doing what we do, how many successful projects we’ve launched, or the number of projects we’ve taken part in, we can still benefit from the fresh perspectives of voices other than the one in our own heads.
Here are 7 quotes from marketing and communications experts to help inspire your continued action!
I led with this quote for one simple reason… I think we all fall into this trap. Sometimes good enough is good enough. Just launch… you can improve it later!
Download & Print Phil Bowdle @PhilBowdle, Author of “Rethink Communication”
The Internet has given us the ability to communicate with people 24/7/365. It’s a revolution and an opportunity. Churches need to rethink their communications playbook to leverage communications tech… it’s what your current and potential audiences wants.
Download & Print Tony Morgan @TonyMorganLive, Founder and Lead Strategist at The Unstuck Group
Especially in the face of overall declining church attendance… younger generations in particular. How are you working to reach people when they’re outside of your church walls?
Download & Print Jerod Clark, Senior Marketing Communications Manager at American Marketing Association
Word of mouth marketing is one of the best marketing tools a church has. Why? People trust their friends’ opinion more than any website or brochure.
Download & Print Phil Cooke @PhilCooke, CEO at Cooke Media Group
Sisters and brothers, we all make mistakes. Failing doesn’t make us failures. Learn from the mistakes and “fail forward.”
Download & Print Kelley Hartnett @KelleyHartnett, Author of “You’ve Got This: A Pep Talk for Church Communicators”
Sufferers of Impostor Syndrome heed this advice! ‘Nuff said.
Download & Print Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee, CEO of VaynerMedia, Chairman of VaynerX
I know there’s a lot of debate about whether or not a church should use social media. But, the bottom line is there are people on social media who want and need to hear from you.